Pain Reduction


a Naturopathic Approach To Pain

Naturopathic medicine is particularly effective for pain because it always attempts to uncover the underlying causes of pain.

Personalized therapies may involve:

  1. Anti-inflammatory diet and supplements

  2. Functional testing 

  3. Hormone evaluation

  4. Injection therapies such as trigger point injections for joint pain and muscle tender points

  5. Supporting gut health to reduce inflammation

  6. Mind - body techniques

  7. much more ...

Some commonly treated chronic pain conditions include:

  1. Low back pain

  2. Joint pain

  3. Fibromyalgia

  4. IBS or digestive pain

  5. Headaches

Trigger Point Injections

Trigger Point Injections for Pain Reduction with a special focus on Myofascial Pain.

In this treatment, a saline solution is injected into painful points in muscles and fascia (myofascial pain) using a small needle.

A sterile saline solution is used to add electrolytes and hydrate the muscle.

Learn More About Trigger Point Injections


Elapromed- Non-Invasive Pain Treatments (Needle Free).

While Trigger Point Injections work fantastic, I began to notice a need for a Non-Invasive (Needle Free) Pain Treatment Option.

I came across the Elapromed Device and I immediately could see the potential for pain management. I found that doctors in Vancouver were currently using it and getting fantastic results for pain!

The Elapromed Device utilizes Electronic Micro-Impulses (low level). The electronic “injections” allow me to deliver up to 70 ml of a natural anti-inflammatory substance to the skin and deeper tissues. It also allows for the treatment of more sensitive regions like the face and neck.