Detox Basics

Detox - it is very popular to do a detoxification during times of transition such as seasonal times. But what does this actually mean? There are many different forms of detoxifications or detox or cleanse. It good to be aware of what you are doing because some may be gently while others very intense or even pose risks. Some may be more scientific or goal orientated.

Metabolic or liver detox is when you take herbal remedies to support the detoxification processes in the liver and kidney.

Lymphatic detox helps improve lymph flow. This is the space in between cells so it's best to think of this as the hallways of a room. In this form of detox we are cleaning out the Halls. We often use things that are low dose herbal remedies, brushing or light massage also help move lymphatic fluids. Exercise jumping on a trampoline and stretching also support lymphatic detox.

You may also see the word cleanse. Generally think of this as when we open up elimination pathways through the gut and kidney. During a cleanse we often increase elimination through the bowels.

It's important to get a little understanding of what you are starting when you go on a detox or cleanse. Because there is a lot of marketing and a lot of different forms some are based in physiology such as a metabolic detox and others may be more energetic.

We can also eat foods in a way to support detoxification. We can eat green veggies and broccoli shoots which also naturally support our liver. Sulfur rich foods also help with the production of glutathione the major antioxidant of the body.

Emotional detox. Talking, laughter snd enjoying times with friends may also be considered a form of detox because when we remain isolated or hold on to negative emotions, they may have undesired consequences on our mental health.

Breath work as a detox. Breath work helps support the vagus nerve, which is in itself is antiinflammatory. When we breathe at certain inhalation and exhalation rates we support grounding. But during breath work we are also eliminating CO2 and other gases like methane and hydrogen. So active breath work could be considered a detox as well.

I think it's just nice to see that there are multiple ways you can carry out a detox from simple exercise to breath work or deeper with herbal remedies.

A detox should always be tailored to individuals needs and goals. If I ever prepare a detox for a patient I'm always taking in their health goals to achieve particular outcomes. Fatty liver disease is a common condition that pairs nicely with a detoxification because a lot of the nutrients in a metabolic detox could be supportive.

Whichever method we use to support detox. I like to approach this as a seasonal ritual we take to work on ourselves and to re-connect with our health. One that incorporates nutrition, breathwork and exercise.

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